Dhansar Engineering Increases Haul Truck Uptime With Shell Gadus S3 V220C 2 - Lubricant Oil Distributor


Shell Gadus S3 V220C 2
lubricant oil distributor

Dhansar Engineering Increases Haul Truck Uptime With Shell Gadus S3 V220C 2

COMPANY – Dhansar Engineering

lubricant oil distributor

LOCATION – Rajasthan, India

APPLICATION – Komatsu HD 785-100 Thaul trucks

KEY EDGE – Shell Rimula R4 l5W-40, Shell LubeAdvisar, Shell LubeVideaCheck

IMPORTANT – 75% Reduction in scheduled maintenance downtime

SAVINGS – ₹ 88,91,280 total reported annual customer saving.

CHALLENGE – Dhansar Engineering was running a fleet of Komatsu HD 785-100 T haul trucks in ambient temperatures ranging from 0-50C. It wanted to extend its re-greasing interval to improve equipment availability.

SOLUTIONS – The Shell Lubricants team carried out trials that involved changing the setting on the lubrication system, including the injectors, to optimise the delivery of grease. The team also recommended a switch to Shell Gadus 53 V220C 2 .

OUTCOME – The new re-greasing protocols and application of the new product reduced grease consumption from 1Okg to 3kg per day and downtime also dropped – from 300 to 75 hours per year.

By extending its re-greasing intervals – leading to a reduction in costs for both manpower and consumables – the company has estimated annual saving ₹ 88,91,280 .


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